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From Telit: 6 Edge Capabilities That Will Transform Your IoT Platform

Bill Dykas in Blogs on August 10, 2017

About Bill Dykas

From Telit

Though IoT solutions can help industrial enterprises improve productivity and transform the way they think of critical business processes, IoT deployments can also present unique challenges for enterprise organizations. One of the biggest issues that enterprises face is that they need to integrate their new IoT technology with their legacy equipment. IoT technology also requires operations and IT teams to rethink business and technology outcomes while data from IoT deployments is almost certain to change enterprise business processes.

Because of this, it is vital that organizations understand the technology requirements for enterprise IoT before choosing the right IoT platform for their business. Below, we will discuss the 6 edge capabilities that you need to look for in an IoT platform, and how these capabilities will help you address enterprise IoT technology requirements.

Store and Forward Capabilities at the Edge

Edge logic with store and forward capabilities allows enterprises to quickly generate actionable insight without losing productivity when connectivity is interrupted. By executing business logic at the point of data generation and having the ability to store and forward data once connectivity resumes, enterprises are able to improve reliability without sacrificing productivity.

Out-of-the-Box Bidirectional Connectors

An out-of-the-box bidirectional integration framework at the edge allows enterprises to integrate both modern and legacy equipment while reducing the need for custom coding. Enterprises should also look for an IoT platform provider that supports a variety of connectivity protocols such as Modbus and Profibus. In the end, these capabilities allow businesses to save time and money by eliminating the need to replace legacy equipment.

Remote Management for Edge Devices

Rich device management capabilities allow you to manage and monitor edge devices remotely, including modifications. Some IoT platforms with remote management for edge devices also use over-the-air (OTA) mechanisms to allow firmware upgrades to patch security exploits, deliver bug fixes, and even add new features. These capabilities will allow operations teams to respond quickly and efficiently to any issues while maintaining high levels of security.

Data Processing Capabilities at the Edge

Data processing capabilities at the edge allow for data to be processed near the source, which eliminates the need to pass raw machine data back to the cloud. Overall, this minimizes network utilization and data transfer costs while still allowing enterprises to get value from their real-time machine data. The result is improved efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Self-Contained Edge Nodes

Self-contained edge nodes that are integrated with the cloud but able to operate as a separate entity help address issues that arise from unreliable or intermittent connectivity. With self-contained edge nodes, lack of connectivity will not impact on-premise operations. Ultimately, this edge capability helps ensure confidential and reliable delivery of data.

Enterprise Integration

Enterprise integration is a unique IoT platform edge capability. With enterprise-grade software installed in your back office, you can map data from your platform to enterprise applications in real time. This edge capability allows you to create your M2M solutions with enterprise applications that are vendor neutral.


Bill Dykas in Blogs on August 10, 2017

About Bill Dykas

From Telit


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