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7 Real-Time Roadblocks Facing AIoT

Jari Haiston in Blogs on January 16, 2023

About Jari Haiston

Jari Haiston is part of the growing digital marketing team at Symmetry Electronics. Jari comes from a background in technical writing and event coordination. In her current role, she specializes in content creation and social media management. Jari's focus as a writer is to create interesting content that is accessible to any audience.

What Does AIoT Stand For?

By 2023, almost everyone knows about how the internet of things (IoT) is the leading technology behind connectivity. Sensors, trackers, gateways, and network routers are the components driving connection between IoT devices. IoT solutions are enhancing operations across a wide range of industries. For example, IoT integration in industrial sectors (IIoT) is one of the 11 pillars of industry 4.0 and is helping to transform smart factories globally. In comparison, AIoT is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in IoT technology.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in IoT (AIoT)

If you’re wondering how IoT devices are getting so smart, your answer may lie in aIoT. The backbone of AI is data. When implemented in areas like machine learning and decision-making processes, AIoT has a wide range of benefits (Figure 1) like:

  • Enhancing operational efficiencies through precise predictions
  • Reduced downtime
  • Increased scalability
  • Improved products and services
  • Comprehensive risk management

Top 7 Headwinds Facing AIoT

While Brand Essence Research values the AIoT market at a whopping $15.04 billion in 2021, many engineers argue that we are still vert behind in realizing and developing aIoT-integrated solutions. Microsoft’s paper, IoT Signals, reported that a significant amount of companies are delaying aIoT implementation based on the complexity surrounding the technology. Microsoft listed the top seven barriers for aIoT integration:

  • 43% of companies found that AIoT technology is too complex to scale
  • 40% of companies cited a lack of infrastructure as a barrier
  • 36% said their company lacked the technical knowledge required for AIoT integration
  • 35% reported that implementing AI would be too complex
  • 34% found that they lacked the amount of trained personnel to implement the technology
  • 27% said that there isn’t a current solution available to meet their company’s needs
  • 22% admitted that they don’t even know how to begin the AIoT integration process

Future AIoT Applications

The ambiguity surrounding aIoT integration is an issue that must be resolved quickly as implementing the technology stands to revolutionize the way connected devices learn. AIot is making an impact in applications in wearables, smart homes, smart cities, and smart industries. However, the future of AIoT includes a variety of currently untapped potential in areas where edge computing could be further integrated in home robots and autonomous vehicles. Voiceover AI could support significant advances in natural language processing (NLP) and ePayment voice authentication. Vision AI could bring video analytics to the edge and make super 8K resolution a reality.

The pressure is on for developers to find solutions that contend with the headwinds facing AIoT implementation. If you are a developer looking to implement AI technology into your connected device, our team of Applications Engineers is available to assist you in creating an AIoT device that can break complex barriers. Our Applications Engineers are experts when it comes to connected devices, IoT, and wireless technologies. Consultation is free and available throughout your design cycle. Contact Symmetry Electronics today!



Jari Haiston in Blogs on January 16, 2023

About Jari Haiston

Jari Haiston is part of the growing digital marketing team at Symmetry Electronics. Jari comes from a background in technical writing and event coordination. In her current role, she specializes in content creation and social media management. Jari's focus as a writer is to create interesting content that is accessible to any audience.


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