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DecaWave DWM1001 ScenSor: Everything you need to know about DecaWave's newest RTLS module

Culver Lau in Blogs on March 07, 2018

About Culver Lau

For all the wonders that GPS accomplishes, one thing it cannot do is provide accurate tracking within an indoor setting. Although this limitation is often just a minor inconvenience for consumer products, it can be a major issue for many industries that rely on indoor tracking, like healthcare and warehouses. Although other forms of real-time location tracking do exist, many of them are impractical in the IoT field due to location imprecision, high interference or low data rates. This is where DecaWave’s line of Ultra-Wide Band RTLS come into play.

DecaWave’s long-time staple, the DWM1000, has made it easy for engineers to implement indoor RTLS into their systems. With a 10cm degree of accuracy, very low power consumption, and high immunity to interference, RTLS has helped turn indoor tracking applications into a reality.

Contained within the DWM1000 is the DW1000 chip, which DecaWave describes as “a complete single-chip CMOS Ultra-Wideband IC based on the IEEE802.15.4-2011 standard. DW1000 is the first in the DecaWave ScenSor family of parts, operates at data rates of 110 kbps, 850 kbps and 6.8 Mbps, and can locate tagged objects both indoors & outdoors to within 10 cm."

While the DWM100 has become a bestseller for many years, DecaWave has recently released their newest module, the DWM1001, which provides everything great about the DWM1000. Some of the most notable differences between the DWM1001 and the DWM100 is the addition of Bluetooth BLE capability (Nordic nRF52832) and a 3-axis accelerometer. The module also comes pre-loaded with a “ready to go” RTLS firmware stack and is shipped pre-certified!

For OEMs looking to implement precise indoor RTLS within their IoT solutions, the DWM1001 is the best solution for their needs.


Features of the DWM1001:

  • UWB PCB antenna (6.5 GHz)
  • 6.8 Mbps data rate
  • ~60 m line-of-sight range
  • Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832 BLE SoC
  • 3-axis accelerometer
  • Complete RTLS & network stack
  • Two-Way-Ranging (TWR) RTLS
  • AES encryption of data
  • Authentication: key generation & exchange


Symmetry Electronics has the MDEK1001 development kit available to get you up and running in just a few hours.



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