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From Digi: Digi Foundations: Supporting the IoT Application Lifecycle

Symmetry Electronics Team in Blogs on August 12, 2019

About Symmetry Electronics Team

Established in 1998, Symmetry Electronics is a focused global distributor of wireless connectivity solutions, sensors, and audio-video technologies. Offering comprehensive design support and available-to-ship inventory, Symmetry is committed to helping engineers accelerate time to market, reduce costs, and offer modern solutions for their IoT designs. Acquired by Berkshire Hathaway company, TTI, Inc. in 2017, Symmetry Electronics is part of the Exponential Technology Group (XTG) – a supergroup of electronic component distributors and engineering services firms working together to advance the electronics industry. For more information, visit www.symmetryelectronics.com.

IoT is complex enough, from the perspective of pulling all the pieces together to design, build and deploy a system, not to mention managing connectivity and data usage, and ensuring the connected devices have the latest firmware updates and configuration settings over time.

Those who are planning and deploying device networks in IoT applications should not also have to worry about how they are going to make everything work and how to monitor and manage the deployment in an ongoing fashion. With these needs in mind, Digi designed and rolled out a bundled solution that supports customers, end-to-end.

Introducing Digi Foundations

The Digi Foundations™ solution includes four key cornerstones:

  • The Digi hardware product you purchase, such as a cellular router
  • Device management software – Digi Remote Manager®
  • Expert technical support, available globally 24x7x365
  • Lifecycle management, including a best-in-class warranty with advanced replacement, automatic firmware update notifications, managed deployment, and important security notifications

Let’s look at each of these in turn.

Digi Hardware Solutions

Your hardware selection is the starting point for your Digi Foundations solution. Digi’s sales team can help to evaluate your application requirements and help you choose the product that has the right combination of features. Digi’s cellular router solutions, for instance, include a range of products for enterprise, industrial, and transportation applications. As an example, Industrial IoT applications range dramatically in their capabilities to meet the wide range of requirements, from remote oil and gas applications to wastewater management and smart cities applications. Each of these application types has different requirements, from the number of devices required to the cellular and failover requirements to bandwidth, throughput, and how hardened the device must be for the intended environment.

Digi Remote Manager

Digi Remote Manager® (DRM), another key cornerstone of Digi Foundations, is an application for secure monitoring and control, with advanced cloud and edge capabilities to help you rapidly deploy and manage IoT applications. Designed for fast, centralized, remote network and asset monitoring, DRM provides a window into the health and activity of your IoT deployment, as well as automated security controls through device profiling, automated mass firmware updates, and user-configurable real time alerts on device conditions.

DRM provides a window into the health and activity of your IoT deployment, as well as automated security controls, automated mass firmware updates, and user-configurable real time alerts on device conditions. https://ctt.ec/01bWv+ #ConnectWithConfidence

Expert Support, 24x7x365

The next cornerstone of the Digi Foundations package is 24×7 technical support. Your IoT application is the lifeblood of your business, and whether you have an enormous device deployment across multiple continents, a financial transaction application that supports a busy retail environment, or a communications application at a small construction site, ensuring that your solution components run smoothly is critical. Our Expert Support team is ready to serve your needs, no matter what time of the day or night you may have an inquiry or technical challenge.

Lifecycle Management with Best-in-Class Warranty

The final cornerstone of Digi Foundations is a Limited Lifetime Warranty for lifecycle management of your IoT system. Knowing that your Digi solutions are not only designed to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications, but that your product is backed with a solid warranty, will provide peace of mind as you develop and deploy your application. Digi Foundations includes many features that create an even lower total cost of ownership, such as license-free enterprise software and ongoing firmware updates.

Additional Features

In addition to the four cornerstones, Digi Foundations provides additional benefits to ensure you have a complete package that meets your entire IoT solution needs. These include Digi TrustFence®, a security framework that ensures your devices are as secure as possible, and that you are notified in a timely manner to potential threats.

Hardware-Enabled, Software-Defined

Digi Foundations makes it easy for customers to take advantage of Digi’s full portfolio of software and services, making connected systems easier to build, deploy, and manage. Building state-of-the-art intelligent IoT systems requires tight integration between hardware and software. With Digi Foundations, Digi delivers on the promise of Hardware-Enabled, Software-Defined™ connectivity solutions.


Looking to integrate Digi products with your design? Our Applications Engineers offer free design and technical help for your latest designs. Contact us today!


Symmetry Electronics Team in Blogs on August 12, 2019

About Symmetry Electronics Team

Established in 1998, Symmetry Electronics is a focused global distributor of wireless connectivity solutions, sensors, and audio-video technologies. Offering comprehensive design support and available-to-ship inventory, Symmetry is committed to helping engineers accelerate time to market, reduce costs, and offer modern solutions for their IoT designs. Acquired by Berkshire Hathaway company, TTI, Inc. in 2017, Symmetry Electronics is part of the Exponential Technology Group (XTG) – a supergroup of electronic component distributors and engineering services firms working together to advance the electronics industry. For more information, visit www.symmetryelectronics.com.


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