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From Nordic Semiconductor: Develop IoT products with ease

Pär Håkansson in Blogs on June 06, 2017

About Pär Håkansson

From Nordic Semiconductor

It works out of the box

We are thrilled to share with you all our new development kit, the Nordic Thingy:52. We’ve designed it to lower the barriers to entry to IoT development so even beginners can prototype a simple project within minutes.

Yet the device is also powerful enough to be of interest to experienced software developers keen to explore opportunities in the connected world. Source code for both apps and firmware will be available on GitHub so those in the know can extend the capabilities of the device even further. 

A device packed with potential

The nine different sensors, microphone, speaker and integration with If This Then That (IFTTT) opens up a world of opportunity previously unavailable to those without firmware coding skills or development tools.

The development kit enables app developers to configure, test, and demonstrate Bluetooth low energy IoT devices linked to mobile apps and Cloud resources. The best part? It’s available for around $40.

> Read more about the Nordic Thingy:52, watch video and buy here 

“The Thingy lowers the bar for everyone to create demos and prototype for IoT type applications” says Pär Håkansson, Product Marketing Manager with Nordic Semiconductor. 

“And because the Thingy features simple over-the-air configurability from mobile devices or Cloud platforms there is no need for the app developer go through the lengthy and complex process of learning how to use development tools for firmware coding, debugging, and compilation.

App developers can quickly develop IoT devices for a range of applications using the Thingy. Altering parameters such as the sampling rate or switching on the colour sensor is simple to achieve via an over-the-air instruction from a smartphone or Internet app.

Connect to anything and everything 

Nordic Thingy:52 can be used as both an input or output to the maker channel on the IFTTT platform.

For example, a Thingy fixed to a door could report the door opening to the IFTTT platform, which then triggers a text to a smartphone. Or the device could be commanded to play a “welcome home” audio file when the IFTTT platform registers a smartphone is near the Thingy's location. The possibilities are almost endless.

“For a modest investment, app developers can start working with Thingy straight out-of-the-box without needing any expertise beyond their app building skills. That enables a whole new group of highly innovative people to get their hands on a fully-functional, high-end Bluetooth low energy platform and let their imagination run free,” adds Håkansson.

So there you have it. Let your imaginations run free! Tag your creations on Twitter or Instagram with #nordicthingy or tag Nordic Semiconductor on Facebook so we can take a look.

We can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

Source: http://blog.nordicsemi.com/getconnected/develop-iot-products-with-ease

Contact Symmetry Electronics at 866-506-8829, email us or start a live chat and we'll be glad to help you with your projects!


Pär Håkansson in Blogs on June 06, 2017

About Pär Håkansson

From Nordic Semiconductor


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