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DW3000 Series

Real-Time Location with Precision of up to 10cm

Qorvo’s second-generation, fully integrated 

Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband (UWB) wireless transceiver is 


Based on the IEEE802.15.4z standard, the DW3000 can achieve data rates of up to 6.8Mbps while delivering precise positioning to within 10 cm for ranging and +/-5 degrees for angular measurement while being optimized for low-power battery-operated operation.

The DW3000 is FiRa compliant and supports 2-way ranging, Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) and Phase Difference of Arrival (PDoA) implementations.

The DW3000 family of products is designed to be used in mobile, consumer, and industrial applications thanks to different small footprint packages options and reduced external BOM.

Key Features

Low energy consumption

  • Now lower energy than BLE and up to 5x lower energy than DW1000
  • Average energy consumption down to 3.3uA/ms for a beacon with 12 Bytes of payload

4z standard and global band compliant

  • Supports the new IEEE802.15.4z standard
  • Supports CH5 (6.5 GHz) and CH9 (8GHz)

High level of integration

  • Reduces the external component count from 30 to 10
  • Both available in QFN package – down to 5x5mm - and CSP - 3.1x3.4mm

Enables single-chip high-precision location

  • Enables new features including “follow-me” and “object pointing”
  • Reduces the amount of infrastructure required for many existing applications
  • Delivers phase difference of arrival with an angular error <5 degree
DWM3000 UWB Module

Product Features:

  • Integration of DW3110 IC, antenna, power management and optimum RF layout simplifies design integration
  • Easily interfaced via SPI slave to a wide range of microcontrollers

  • Support IEEE 802.15.4-2015 and IEEE 802.15.4z-2020 (BPRF mode)

  • Data rates of 850Kbps and 6.8Mbps

  • Worldwide UWB support with UWB Channels 5 (6.5GHz) and CH9 (8GHz)

  • 23mm x 13mm x 2.9mm 24-pin side castellations

  • Supports ToF, TWR and TDoA location schemes
DWM3000EVB Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Module Arduino Shield

Product Features:

  • Arduino shield with DWM3000 UWB module mounted

  • On board 3V3 DC-DC

  • All module pins accessible

  • Full schematics provided in PDF format

  • Example firmware for ST NUCLEO-F429ZI dev board based on STM32Cube and System Workbench for STM32 available on website. Nordic NRF52840-DK also supported.
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