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Symmetry Goes Open Source

Create your own contactless temperature sensor for hospitals, warehouses, retailers, offices, and more.

Contactless Temperature Sensor

Cost-effective and efficient contactless temperature sensor allows for safe work environments and gatherings.

Designed by: 

Components provided by: 

Project Overview
Intermediate-level open source contactless wrist temperature sensor provided by the TTI, Inc. Family of Specialists. Designed and prototyped by engineering consulting firm, Connected Development, and sourced by specialty semiconductor distributors TTI, Inc., Mouser Electronics, and Symmetry Electronics.

Safe Group Gatherings

Challenge: Many existing temperature sensor systems are large, expensive, or require additional personnel to operate.

Solution: Economic, compact and contact free wrist temperature sensor.

Result: Sensor is currently being used at the TTI warehouses to ensure essential workers can safely enter the workplace without endangering their coworkers.


The following information pertains to the various components used in the contactless wrist temperature sensor project. The links can be accessed to order relevant parts and to download helpful datasheets and technical information.

Silicon Labs Tiny Gecko Starter Kit

Collects temperature sensor information from the thermopile and displays the temperature on the LCD

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TE Thermopile Sensor

Measures object temperature and detects if human body is within close proximity to the measurement station

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TDK Piezo Buzzer

For beeping sound. Short beep for temperature in normal range. Long beep for high temperature    

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